Are you wearing an underwire?
So I finally left UT!!! I didn't cry. I didn't sigh. I just got on my Southwest flight with my Chinese food and was ready to MOVE ON. I guess I should have shed a little tear before kissing the last four years of my life goodbye, but for some reason, I just couldn't find any reason to be sad. Now, you have to understand, moving for me is never sad: it is always the beginning of a new adventure. I've done it so many times before that if I were to be sad each time, I would have gotten a nervous breakdown a long time ago... No, I always remember those that I leave behind, but my eye is set on the things that are to come.
So, I got to the airport an hour before my flight was supposed to take off. It took me about 10 minutes to check in, and I was set to go. Regina, Alisha, and Johnson came to say goodbye (I think they were there to see if I was going to cry or something), so I hung out with them for a minute. But after a while, we all ran out of things to say. I knew I was going to see these people in a few months. I needed to get on my flight, so I hugged everyone and took off.
Now, because I have a foreign ID, I always get "randomly" chosen for an extensive search... Now, I wore the most comfortable pants to fly in, but worse to go through security: my belt is attached to my pants, and you can't remove it. So of course, when I went through the metal detector: bip, bip, bip!!! Up to this point, no problem.
So, of course they take me to the side and make me stand on this little thing, were I have to let them make sure that I don't have a weapon on me... Well, all was fine until the lady that was passing the metal detector around me got to my chest area: bip, bip, bip. So she passed it again and again in front of my chest, while giggling. I was annoyed at that point. So she asks me if I'm wearing an underwire... I just rolled my eyes and said yes. NOW without telling me, she joined her hands as if she was going to pray and put some pressure right between my boobs... Now, I was like: hey! What are you doing? She said that she had to make sure that it was an underwire! Dang! Thanks for asking! So I let her check for a minute.
Then she passed the metal detector in front my chest again, and giggled again. Now I was getting mad! She then asked me again if I was wearing an underwire. I almost yelled, but I decided to remain calm, and said: Like I said 2 minutes ago: YES. So she decided to touch the wire ON my bra, therefore, touching my breast, almost cupping my boobs!!! Now I was getting PISSED OFF! I had to step back and give her the look of death as she giggled some more.
Now, mind you, at the same time, two fools were emptying my carry-ons. So after this trauma, they gave me by bags and my shoes back, and told me that I could buckle my belt, and they let me go. My luggage and I, feeling violated to the highest point, thanked the gods that we were leaving this place, because I was about to file a report for aggravated sexual assault!
You know, if she wanted to know if they were real, she could have asked!
At May 25, 2004 at 9:43 AM,
kiki said…
haha! whew! i would have loved watching you constrain yourself during search. what a bunch of dumbass spazzes they are! i don't know what i would have done, but then, i have no boobs between or under which to hide anything, so i probably would have passed right on through. in fact, if the girl would have asked me if i was wearing an underwire, she would have laughed, but she would have been laughing because she would have been asking herself, "why?" she would have followed it up with more laughing and an "okay, girl. whatever." and as i would walk off, i would hear her mutter something like, "look at her wearing an underwire with her flat-chested self!"
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