Old Men Syndrome
If there is something that I have yet to understand, it is probably the reason why old men seem to think that it's ok to hit on me. I wish I could have a Tom Cruise or Moris Chestnut-looking genius give me the time of day. But instead, for some reason, I often end up with men who could be in age to date my mother, or are even older than my father try to flex their deflated muscles to impress me. Now, no matter what I do about my look, the old men syndrome gives me no rest!
Most of the time, I try to be very polite about it. I try to explain that I consider them as mentors or something. You know, something nice to make them feel good, even though they are being undeniably rejected. But recently, I've been unable to remain diplomatic about the whole situation. Now if you are 58 and I am 23, you need to give me a damn good reason for me to come your way. Especially if you don't look like Shawn Connery. Don't you think??? If you are two years younger than my mother, and that your older daughter hangs out with my little sister, and that you were married to my ex's older cousin, there is nothing you can do that will make it ok for you to ask me out.
God willing, we will all be young and old at some point in our lives. Old men, you had your time! Now it's mine, and I have no desire to spend mine changing your diapers while your running out of yours!
At August 14, 2004 at 11:53 AM,
kiki said…
ugh... what is it with you attracting these old men? speaking of old men chasing you, have you heard back from our favorite sénégalais?
At August 15, 2004 at 12:36 AM,
Nomade said…
yes, he emailed me back remember. i simply failed to respond to his email.
At August 15, 2004 at 10:17 AM,
kiki said…
i know he emailed you back that one time, turbo. i was wanting to know if he'd written since then. tu es étrangissime.
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