To be, or not to be... myself

As I undertake life, geared up with my inadequacies, I search my soul in order to find myself.

Friday, November 26, 2004


As the Thanksgiving Holiday is coming to an end, I would like to express my gratitude for all the things I have.

I first and foremost, would like to thank God for His patience towards me. I'm not going to lie, I mess up all the time. But every time I do, the Lord shows me that He trusts in my ability to find the right path again. He might shake His head thinking: "Here she goes again, child." But He is always ready to take me back into His fold. God, thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for blessing me daily, granting me with life and daily bread.

Then, I am forever thankful for my family, the most important people in my life. I am thankful for the love and the support they have shown me throughout my life. I am grateful for a father who has taught me to think for myself and to ask myself the right questions. I am grateful for a mother who has always put God at the center of everything she does. I am grateful for brothers and a sister who have been able to follow the example I have tried to be and for being even better than I was. But I am also grateful for their wisdom in avoiding the mistakes that I have made in my life.

I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have made throughout my life. It very rare to be able to find people with pure hearts and noble and genuine intentions. It is very rare to find people whom you learn to love as members of your own family. I have fortunate to have found some of these people early on in my life. I know that it will make my journey through life so much more meaningful.

Finally, I am grateful for all the things which didn't work out this past year, and there are many. Because of all those unfortunate experiences, I am where I am today, and there is nowhere else I would have better loved to be, with the people I am with.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The Things We Do...

I don't really know why we do the things we do, or we say the things we say. What I know though, is that things happen for a reason. I'm not saying that I always know why certain things happen. I fact, most of the time, I am kept in the dark when it comes to the reasons why trials come my way.

However, sometimes, as I undertake the journey of my life, there comes a time, sometimes a fraction of a second, when an event occurs. It can be the tears of a friend or the conclusion of a chapter of my life. It can be the wise advise of my mother or the distress of a stranger? It can be the sight of a lilac tree or the sound of my favorite song. Something happens, and by some kind of mystical power, I am brought back to a crossroad I was faced with years or months before. I am recalled the decision made, the hardness of the decision process, and sometimes the pain of enduring the consequences. But at that same moment, in my actual present, the hard past is brought back with peace.

That's when the epiphany hits! That's when I understand the why of what I did! That's when the pain, the frustration, and the discouragement of a past that seems so distant, but so real at the same time, all make sense and fall perfectly into my present reality.

I don't always know why I do the things I do, but I know that as long as I am guided by the Right Power, the Power which leads the pilgrim on his quest to perfection, I will continue to have those epiphanies of why I did the things I did: some of the best moments of my life.