To be, or not to be... myself

As I undertake life, geared up with my inadequacies, I search my soul in order to find myself.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

On the Question of Faith

At one point in our lives, I believe that we all have our struggles with things of faith. We might know that faith is the believe in things that are not seen, but faith i also something you develop until it becomes a knowledge, in my humble opinion. Until one knows, he can only rely on faith. I don't question people's knowledge, I only feel happy that they have their knowledge of their belief laid out for them.

As far as I'm concerned, I have a hard time with absolutes and always have. I truly feel like there are absolutes, but that we are too limited in scope or understanding to comprehend them. However, I believe that an imperfect path can still lead you to the perfection of an absolute.

I've been in many situations where I had to question my faith and my beliefs. I actually do it all the time. To me, it is one of the many paths to humility: acknowledging that you don't know it all, that you are always subject to improvement, and that you could be wrong. As I question my beliefs, I try to define my faith as one of experience. I try to apply the principle of: do what you need to do according to the Gospel and see and contemplate your testimony building and growing from it. While I might always question if what I believe is true, I will never question my free agency to chose to stay or to leave the path that I have so far chosen.

So while I'm here walking an imperfect walk, I try to do the best I can with what I have and the relative knowledge that I have acquired. While I might never have a perfect knowledge (this is how I feel know... maybe at one point I knew, but I just can't remember) of whether the path I'm walking is the ONLY one true one, I know that it is the best that I have found so far. I have seen too many people wander in darkness...

While this constant reevaluation of my faith is nothing new to me, I have found interesting to observe this questioning in a growing number of young people around me, regardless of their faith. And I think it's a good thing. Different stages, different priorities, one goal: making sure that the path to God that we have chosen is a right one, if the not THE right one.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Being blessed in spite of yourself...

God and I have had an interesting relationship lately. I think He knows I'm about to go over the edge in so many ways, so he is cutting me some loose... He is blessing me beyond measures and I can't understand why. It seems to me that out of all the times to deserve blessing, I'm not on top of my game right now.
But I guess the Lord might want to remind me that He is always there and that He's waiting for me to open the door. Maybe He wants to make sure that I don't forget Him. Yesterday, He reminded me of His existence, not by chastising me, but by given me one of the greatest blessings in a long time... And they keep on coming... How can I but not turn to him in grace and ask for his Mercy on me.
I guess, I am being blessed in spite of myself and my SO many shortcomings.